
Spotify for artist not working
Spotify for artist not working

spotify for artist not working

Note: Some stores are also capable of directly helping with mapping issues, such as Spotify and Amazon. We won't get notification if/when it's done, so the best thing to do is just keep checking the store when you have the chance. Services typically process these requests within several days, but it can sometimes take several weeks to complete them. How long will it take for services to fix my mapping issues

  • Enter the links to all the releases that have been incorrectly mapped to your artist page.
  • Enter the link to your artist page on the service you selected.
  • For Amazon, Spotify, and YouTube you can follow up with those services directly via the links on the fixer, as those services handle these types of artist separation requests on their end.
  • Select the service where an artists music has been incorrectly mapped to your page.
  • Select "Someone else's music is incorrectly on my page".
  • spotify for artist not working

    If you do have the oldest release on your page. Selecting "Yes" will send a request to map your releases to the specified artist page.Selecting "No" will send a request to create a new artist page for your music.Select whether or not you have a pre-existing artist page for the specified service.Add a link to the incorrectly mapped release.If your release is incorrectly mapped in Spotify or Apple Music / iTunes, skip to step 7.Select the Artist that is incorrectly mapped.

    spotify for artist not working

  • Select the release that is incorrectly mapped.
  • spotify for artist not working

    If your release is incorrectly mapped in Spotify or Apple Music / iTunes, skip to step 5.Please submit multiple requests if its wrong in more than one service.Select the service where you are incorrectly mapped.Select "My music is on the incorrect page".This indicates that you were accidentally mapped to another user's page and you can actually use the fixer to request a new page! Here's how to request a new artist page: If you do not have the oldest release on your page. Check to make sure you have the earliest release on the artist pages in services where you are experiencing mis-mapped releases. Head over to the page where your music is currently being hosted. We need to determine whose artist page is whose. DistroKid's fixer tool can help! Before we can submit a separation request. Streaming services sometimes group artists together who have the same (or similar) names, or create a new artist page instead of using your existing page.

    Spotify for artist not working